Walk Two Moons by Creech
Out of the Dust by Hesse
Zel by Napoli
Monster by Myers
Catcher in the Rye by Salinger
Romiette + Julio by Draper
The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials, Book 1 by Pullman
The Giver by Lowry *
Feed by Anderson
Weetzie Bat by Block
Speak by Anderson
Hatchet by Paulsen *
The Outsiders by Hinton *
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days by Kinney
Joy? Any thoughts, opinions, and/or suggestions?
*Indicates a book that I've read previously, but that I still need to re-read for the class.
Read em all except for Monster, Wimpy Kid, and Weetzie Bat. Never actually heard of the latter. By the way, Zel is fantastic. Let me know if you like it, I have the author's complete works. And once you read Book 1 of His Dark Materials, you'll want to read them all.