Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So There's This Guy...

And I have absolutely no idea what to think of him. He's in my Shakespeare's Comedies class. I just made a joke to my professor one day about hating mornings, and not having had my tea yet, and he actually offered me a sip of his tea.

So, of course, I gave him a "what the hell" look and blinked several times before I said, "No, thank you." I had a Mello Yello on the table in front of me, so I'm not really sure why he offered. Also, I can't believe that me saying no was terribly unexpected. I've known him for all of five minutes and he thinks I'll drink after him? No. That's how people get mono. I mean...it was a gracious offer, but I'm not at all sure how to take it.

And then the professor, hilarious man that he is, says "I don't know whether to take that as a sexual advance or not." So the guy, whom I only know as Mr. Davis, turned scarlet and I choked on my Mello Yello. Awkward? Yes.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have masculine attention for the first time in a while. I just have no idea of how I should respond to it. I'd like to think he's interested, but I refuse to flirt. I don't like making an ass of myself. It's not really on my to-do list.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Brain in Macroeconomics

Production Possibilities Table = Absolutely Mind-Numbing

All this talk of shirts and bread is killing my interest. Why do I care how many units of one affect a number of the other? I don’t. I’m sure there’s a very sensible concept somewhere in here, but I’ll have to dig it out myself.

I’m not sure my Lexapro is working well today. My focus = epic fail. Might have something to do with only getting about four hours of sleep last night because I procrastinated with my satire.

Need to do some reading in Time Management for Dummies when I get to the apartment. After I do my homework, of course. Also, need to update my Do It Now! Journal.

Oh. My. God. I have to sit in this class for 45 more minutes. I can feel my brain shutting down. It’s cold in here.

I need…well, that thought disappeared. Random bit of knowledge for the day: apparently, butterflies lick corpses. That is so Creepy.

Oh! I remember now. I need to get out my dream diary tonight.

Ew. My professor has a hairy chest, and it’s showing. Gross. I don’t want to see that in class. It’s like physical TMI.

I could get up and run around screaming. It being a full moon and that time of the month is, apparently, a very bad combination for me. Throw Macroeconomics into the mix and it pushes me very close to crazy.

Overflow. I hate being a girl, sometimes. I’m installing Safecracker on this computer again. Sudden headache. I hate it when headaches randomly spring up on me. I need to eat. Likerightnow.

I have 18 minutes left now.