I am a TERRIBLE procrastinator. I've been putting things off my whole life, I swear. I was ten days late for being born, for Pete's sake! x_x Yes, I'm serious. I was supposed to be born on February 14, but I was born on February 24, instead.
I have to wonder if this was some kind of thematic omen right from the beginning...?
Anyway, I'm supposed to write a two-page paper on Sir Francis Bacon tonight. That's going to be fun...NOT! I also need to print some things for Writing Across the Curriculum, but my black ink cartridge hates me right now. Go figure. I'm no activist or anything, but I can not BELIEVE how much stuff we have to print out for that class. -facedesk-
Anyway, I need to get my glasses out of the car and start my reading.
What's the point of this post, you ask?
I'm simply posting this as a reminder to myself that I need to stop putting things off until the last minute because the stress is taking a serious toll on my health. More later!